Polycom 501 Contact Directory

I finally found the format of the directory.xml file for my Polycom 501 IP phone after searching the web for about a half hour looking for it. Where better place to keep the format than in the Polycom Admin Guide.  I found an entry on voip-info.org, but it didn't mention all the XML elements I could use. So being the curious guy that I am, I had to know all the options available to me.

I'm reposting the doc page here so google can index it, and if I forget and need a reminder of what the XML elements are Google might lead me back here. Local Contact Directory File Format

An example local contact directory is shown. Look to the table for an explanation of

each element.


Local Contact Directory File example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>









       <dc />


       <ar>0</ar> ;/p>




     • • •




fn - First Name

ln - Last Name

ct - Contact

sd - Speed Dial

rt - Ring Type

dc - Divert Contact

ad - Auto Divert

ar - Auto Reject

bw - Buddy Watching

bb - Buddy Block



You can also download the Admin Manual Here. Page 31.